Tisserand Essential Oil Palmarosa 9ml


Tisserand Essential Oil Palmarosa 9ml

Tisserand Essential Oil Palmarosa 9ml

Palmarosa essential oil is extracted from the tufty grassy plant Cymbopogon martini, which is very similar in composition to Lemongrass. The grass is steamed distilled, producing a wonderfully fragrant essential oil with both floral and citrus notes.


  • Used in aromatherapy blends, Palmarosa is subtly soothing and supportive, helping to protect against emotional vulnerability and bringing a feeling of peace.
  • Its balancing properties may be useful for stabilising the physical symptoms of PMS such as bloating and hormonal imbalances.

Ingredients & Excipients

100% Cymbopogon martini (palmarosa) herb oil



  • Do not ingest
  • Avoid during pregnancy
  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before use

For in-depth safety information on all essential oils, click below for the following resources:

Storage Conditions

Once opened, store in a cool dark place and use within 12 months.


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