Tisserand Essential Oil Organic Lemon Tea Tree 9ml



Tisserand Essential Oil Organic Lemon Tea Tree 9ml


Grown in Australia and South Africa, Lemon Tea-Tree is in the same aromatic family as the Tea Tree shrub, but carries a citrus, lemony fragrance. Popular in household gardens of Australia as an insect repellent, Lemon Tea Tree can also be used in a host of everyday aromatherapy preparations.

  • Lemon Tea Tree has a light, citrus aroma and may help to uplift the mind and stimulate the senses ‐ great for easing mood and dispelling mental tension.
  • When applied in massage, Lemon Tea Tree may be especially effective for digestive complaints. Applying the oil in a base oil to the abdominal area may help to calm the digestive and nervous systems.


100% Organic Leptospermum petersonii (lemon tea tree) oil

Directions for Use

Once opened, store in a cool dark place and use within 12 months.


  • Do not ingest
  • Avoid during pregnancy
  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before use

For in-depth safety information on all essential oils, click below for the following resources:


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Tisserand Organic Lemon Tea Tree 9mlTisserand Essential Oil Organic Lemon Tea Tree 9ml
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