Tisserand Essential Oil Petitgrain 9ml


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Tisserand Essential Oil Petitgrain 9ml


Wonderfully citrus with a woody undertone, Petitgrain essential oil is both balancing and uplifting in aromatherapy blends. Steam distillation is applied to the leaves and twigs of the Bitter Orange tree, (the same plant used to distill Neroli essential oil) to release oil held in tiny sacs on the leaves.

  • Bursting with positivity, Petitgrain may boost feelings of joy and bravery when facing a challenge and may help promote hope and calm.
  • Applied in a facial blend, Petitgrain is also balancing and rejuvenating, particularly for oily or combination skin. Try combining it with Geranium or Sandalwood oils in a light carrier oil such as Peach Kernel and applying to the face each evening before bed.


100% Citrus aurantium (orange leaf) oil

Directions for Use

Once opened, store in a cool dark place and use within 12 months.


  • Do not ingest
  • Avoid during pregnancy
  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before use

For in-depth safety information on all essential oils, click below for the following resources:


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Tisserand Petitgrain (Orange Leaf) 9ml_Tisserand Essential Oil Petitgrain 9ml
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